ButtonPlayer NBA 1.1 by James Trivette This NBA allows you to 'play' a list of buttons from one button. Just type in names of the buttons you want to play in the text box (one name per line). The buttons will play in order, waiting for each one to finish before the next one starts. The buttons do not have to be on the current card. If you wish to start the next button without waiting for a button to finish, put "[n]" on the line after the button name. To wait for sound to finish only, use "[s]", for animation only use "[a]" instead. If you wish to hide or show a button, text item, or graphic item, type the name of the item and either "[hide]" or "[show]" after it. Example. scan box [hide] would hide the item "scan box". If the item is a button, it will not be executed. If you wish to add a delay between actions, just type in "[wait nnn]" where nnn is the delay time in 1/10 seconds. Example [wait 25] will pause for 2.5 seconds before executing the next line. ©Copyright James Trivette, 1994 All Rights Reserved